Do you wish you could wear eyeliner but the skin on your upper lid slips over turning your liner into a sloppy mess?

Do the bags under your eyes make you look unwell and like you’ve been staying out too late?

Do your eyes say 60 but your actual age is 35 to 50?

Well, if any of these scenarios sound like you, then you might be an excellent candidate for eyelid surgery with Dr. Cristina Keusch. She is the premier female plastic surgeon with over 30 years experience in Boca Raton, Florida.

Known medically as a blepharoplasty, a cosmetic eyelid lift is one of the most commonly performed facial surgeries today. As we age two things happen. First, the muscles around our eyes begin to weaken and second, the skin around the eyelids loses tone and elasticity.  The result of these occurrences is sagging and drooping upper eyelids and bagginess under the eyes.  It happens to both women and men.  People with this eyelid problem appear tired and fatigued, even though they may be getting adequate rest.  Eyelid surgery can help you look more youthful, alert, and refreshed.  Based on the goals for your face, you may have upper eyelid surgery, lower eyelid surgery, or both (Quad Bleph).

Upper blepharoplasty

The incision is done in the fold of the upper eyelid, so no scar line will be visible.  Dr. Cristina Keusch removes excess skin and fat through the incision.  The skin is then stitched back together to allow the creation of an eyelid crease.

It is a great treatment to pair with Botox to help open the expression and smooth the wrinkles in the forehead and to eliminate crows feet. Botox treatments should be performed on a quarterly basis to maintain the smooth skin and bright, younger looking expressions. Ask today about our Botox Membership plan.

Lower blepharoplasty

An incision done on the inside of the lower lid allows for fat removal to reduce bagginess without any visible incisions.  This technique is known as a transconjunctival approach.  This procedure reduces shadows for smoother skin texture.  Laser resurfacing of the surrounding skin can be done along with a lower blepharoplasty to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

Best candidates for blepharoplasty

Patients who are in good general health and are non-smokers are appropriate candidates.  They should consult with Dr. Cristina Keusch to make sure their expectations are realistic.  Most patients tend to be 35 years or older.  Eyelid surgery can be performed with other procedures such as a cheek lift or face lift for a more comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

Surgical procedure

Eyelid surgery is an outpatient procedure.  The patient can go home the same day.  The procedure typically lasts 1-2 hours, depending on whether the upper and lower eyelids are done at the same time.  The patient will need a driver to take them home.

Post-op expectations

Some bruising and swelling is normal following eyelid surgery.  Cool compresses can be used for the first 48 hours to reduce the bruising and swelling.  Short term side effects can include dry eye, blurry vision, and light sensitivity.  These symptoms should resolve quickly, and most patients have a short recovery time.  Contact lenses should not be worn for several days.  Most people can return to their normal activities in 7-10 days post-surgery.  Bruising and swelling are usually gone in about six weeks.

Dr. Cristina Keusch is a Board-Certified plastic surgeon, experienced in eyelid surgery.  Take the first step and book a consultation today.

Take the Next Step

Dr. Christina Keusch’s award-winning office offers the highest quality of care for all her patients. We look forward to helping you find a treatment option that works for you!

Boca Raton Plastic Surgery Center serves the greater Boca Raton, FL area.