Many people are self-conscious about the appearance of stretch marks on their body.  Those annoying white, pink, or red marks may be noticeable on areas such as the stomach, buttocks, upper arms, thighs, hips, lower back, and breasts.  Stretch marks are more likely to occur in places where the body stores fat.  They are more common in women, but men can get them too.  Stretch marks are not painful, just cosmetically unsightly.

What causes stretch marks?

Stretch marks are usually the result of hormonal changes, weight fluctuations, or pregnancy.  Any bodily changes that stretch the skin may leave stretch marks.  Genetics may play a role in the tendency to develop them.  The color may fade in time, but the marks rarely go away on their own.  Creams, lotions, and home remedies to treat stretch marks don’t help very much.  Retinols may help fade early stretch marks, but should not be used by pregnant women.

Do I have to live with stretch marks?

Men belly fat with stretch marks

Laser technology can help!  At Boca Raton Plastic Surgery Center, we use the Palomar Icon Laser to treat stretch marks.  This fractional laser technology delivers precise laser energy to diminish the appearance of stretch marks.  The process stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin that improves the texture and appearance of stretch marks over time.  The treatment is safe for various skin types and is usually given in a series of treatments several weeks apart.  Patients generally begin to see results after two to six treatments, and there is no downtime.

Does this same laser technology work to diminish scars?

Yes!  The Palomar Icon Laser can also be used to treat scars from acne, trauma, or surgical procedures.  The treatment breaks down scar tissue, refines skin texture, reduces discoloration, and fades the overall visibility of unsightly scars on the face and other areas of the body.  As with stretch mark treatment, there will be a series of treatments to address scar tissue.  Although there is no downtime, patients should wear sunscreen after their sessions to prevent damage from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

Next Steps

You don’t have to live with unwanted scars or stretch marks.  Dr. Cristina Keusch is a Board Certified plastic surgeon and one of Boca Raton’s most experienced and respected surgeons.  She is committed to providing the highest standards in patient care.  Contact us to schedule a consultation.