Did you know that laser treatments can be beneficial for treating a wide breadth of skincare concerns? Laser treatments can also help with reducing areas with stubborn fat. By understanding what types of laser treatments are available on the market, you can decide with your specialist’s help if laser treatments are right for you.

#1: Laser Hair Removal

One common type of laser procedure is laser hair removal. This procedure is FDA approved for laser hair reduction and can help slow the growth of hair for patients concerned with the amount of hair or thickness of the hair that grows on their face and body.

The Benefits: If you’re tired of spending money (and time and effort) on waxing and shaving, choosing to get laser hair removal can make an incredible difference in your life. Say goodbye to having to shave or wax every little hair that pops up on your leg and bikini area before wearing a swimsuit, dress, or other cute outfits. Another pro to choosing laser hair removal is that laser treatments are much less uncomfortable if you find waxing painful. While you might feel some discomfort, if you’re able to make it through a waxing session, you’ll be just fine.

The challenges: One thing to understand about laser hair removal is that not everyone is a candidate. Specific individuals will have more success because the lasers used for laser hair removal target darkness. Generally, if a patient has darker hair and lighter skin, that contrast may lead them to better treatment. However, talking to your specialist can help you decide if laser treatments are right for you. If you have darker skin or lighter hair, you may still have success with the treatments but may require a significant number of them to see the best results.

#2: Laser Leg Vein Treatment

Botox’s ideal candidate is generally more mature patients who have overall healthy skin but would like to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. These fine lines are usually around the corners of the mouth, in the center of the forehead, or on the side of a patient’s eyes.

Laser treatments are also available to help with spider vein removal. Many patients struggle with confidence when they develop spider veins on their legs. There are many different reasons as to why spider veins begin to grow in the first place. The causes include heredity, obesity, trauma, and even hormonal fluctuations. It can be very frustrating to notice these small purple and red veins beginning to develop on your body and face.

The Benefits: The power of laser technology can help improve these veins’ appearance by offering an effective and non-invasive treatment option. The laser targets the area, and after 8-12 weeks, you will notice that they have disappeared. The vein becomes reabsorbed by the body, leading to the reduction of the appearance on a patient’s legs.

If you’re wondering what the procedure looks like, your doctor will give you a pair of goggles of glasses to protect your eyes from the laser. A post-treatment cooling roller will be applied to the area as the laser treatment can be slightly uncomfortable for some patients.

The Challenges: Not many–laser vein leg treatment is considered safe and effective. Side effects of laser treatment for leg veins include pain/discomfort, inflammation, and hyperpigmentation that clears within a short period.

The good news is that this treatment does not require any downtime for recovery; however, the treated areas may be swollen and tender to the touch for a little while. Your doctor can go over some ways that you can speed up the healing process, which includes wearing compression stockings if you have an area targeted on your legs.

#3: Laser Pigmentation Treatment

Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought about how it would feel to have beautiful, even skin without having to wear foundation or concealer? Many patients struggle with pigmentation issues such as sun damage, age spots, and acne scarring. If you are looking for a more even skin tone and glowing, healthy-looking skin, laser pigmentation treatments may be an option you would like to explore.

The Benefits: For pigment and vessel treatments at Dr. Keusch’s office, we use Palomar Icon Laser technology. This FDA-approved laser uses fractional laser light to break down pigments from the skin. There is a wide breadth of ways this laser can help with pigmentation issues for patients.

The treatment itself can take just 15 minutes, depending on the area that you are targeting. You may feel mild discomfort, but you will not have to worry about a long recovery time afterward.

Before you arrive for your treatment, you want to ensure that you do not have any creams, lotions, or other products on your skin. You’ll also want to stay out of the fun for the two weeks leading up to your appointment. If you’re interested in learning more about laser pigmentation treatment, Dr. Keusch or Meaghan Birakis PA-C, can discuss the option with you in more detail during a consultation.

The Challenges: After the procedure, you may experience any of the following: redness, swelling, flaking, and irritation. However, after a few days, it should subside, and the results of your treatment will be entirely noticeable.

Laser pigmentation treatment is not for everyone. To determine if you are the right candidate for this procedure, please schedule a consultation in our office. Your provider will ask you important questions to help you understand your needs and determine the best approach, including if laser pigmentation treatment is right for you.

#4: Stretch Mark Laser Treatment

Most of us have dealt with stress marks–a scar that can develop when skin either stretches or shrinks rapidly. When the skin is stretched or shrinks too quickly, the collagen and elastin in our skin rupture. Common places to have stretch marks include the abdomen, breasts, arms, back, thighs, and buttocks.

Many women experience stretch marks when they are pregnant as well. While there are some preventive measures you can take to reduce the effects of stretch marks, laser treatment might be an excellent alternative for patients who have a hard time getting rid of their stretch marks. This treatment is non-invasive, safe, and effective.

The Benefits: Tired of trying cream after cream, oil after oil, only for it to end up in the graveyard of your used (but non-effective) skincare products? Stretch mark laser treatment offers you a way to reduce the look of stretch marks for smooth, supple skin.

Just how does it work? At our office, we use the Palomar Icon Laser, an FDA-cleared technology that uses fractional laser light to break down stretch mark pigments, all while encouraging the body’s collagen and elastin regrowth. This allows the skin to look more smooth, firm, and supple over time and reduces the look of cellulite.

The Challenges: The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reports that the average non-ablative laser treatments cost upward of $1,400. For more information about stretch mark laser treatment using the Palomar Icon Laser, please give us a call today!

Scheduling a consultation with Dr. Keusch allows you to explore further all the options available to achieve your desired look. Laser treatments are safe and effective ways to supple, smooth, youthful skin on many different areas of your body. Give us a call or schedule a consultation to learn more about what options may be the best for you.

Take the Next Step

Dr. Christina Keusch’s award-winning office offers the highest quality of care for all her patients. We look forward to helping you find a treatment option that works for you!

Boca Raton Plastic Surgery Center serves the greater Boca Raton, FL area.