When it comes to removing unwanted body fat, liposuction remains one of the most popular treatment choices available today. This procedure makes it possible for plastic surgeons to target and sculpt the treatment area, leaving patients feeling more confident and comfortable in their skin.

SmartLipo uses laser heat energy to melt fat and encourage skin tightening. Laser energy reduces trauma and pain, encouring more even fat removal while minimizing post-op bruising and swelling.

Wondering which option is right for you? Let’s take a closer look at the differences between SmartLipo and regular liposuction.

The 3 Main Differences Between SmartLipo and Regular Liposuction

1. The technique.

Both liposuction and SmartLipo use a cannula to access the targeted area’s fat tissue; however, the similarities end there. While traditional liposuction uses blunt force to break up fat tissue at the treatment site, SmartLipo uses a special tip on the end of the cannula to deliver laser heat energy to the fat cells. The heat essentially liquefies the fat cells, thus minimizing the need for manual fat breakdown.

2. The added benefits.

Traditional liposuction does not address the loose skin in the treatment area, which is why patients often need to combine this surgery with a skin-tightening treatment. SmartLipo minimizes the need for additional surgery, as the laser heat energy promotes a noticeable skin-tightening effect. This is especially beneficial in areas demonstrating laxity.

3. The recovery.

SmartLipo recovery is faster than traditional liposuction; the reason why can be attributed to our first point, which is how the fat is broken up within the patient’s body. Manual fat removal via liposuction can cause broken veins and swelling, which leads to temporary post-op bruising, swelling, and pain. SmartLipo, on the other hand, minimizes the damage caused to veins and tissue at the treatment site, meaning patients can get back to their normal routines much faster.

Take the Next Step

Ready to see if you’re a good candidate for SmartLipo? Schedule your consultation at Boca Raton Plastic Surgery Center – Dr. Cristina Keusch today! (561) 658-4774

Boca Raton Plastic Surgery Center – Dr. Cristina Keusch serves the greater Boca Raton, FL area.