If you have a double chin, you might feel like diet and exercise alone aren’t enough to get rid of it. And it’s true – if you’re genetically predisposed to hold fat along your jawline, a healthy lifestyle may not help you get rid of your double chin.

Good news – there are non-surgical solutions that can help you get rid of your double chin without surgery. Take a look at the two-step process we recommend for patients who don’t want to use liposuction to tackle that stubborn chin fat.

Kybella for Double Chin Reduction

First, we’ll use Kybella injections to treat the submental fat cells that are causing your double chin. Kybella is an FDA-approved fat reduction treatment that uses deoxycholic acid to effectively “burn” away fat cells underneath the chin and around the jawline (don’t worry, it’s done without harming surrounding healthy tissue).

Once these fat cells are damaged, the body gets to work naturally removing them via waste processes. This takes about eight to twelve weeks, at which point, patients can see a more contoured jawline and less fat around the chin.

But what happens once the fat is gone and sagging skin is left behind?

Ulthera to Tighten and Tone Skin

We use non-surgical Ulthera to target and tone sagging skin that may have been left behind after Kybella injections. Ulthera uses ultrasound energy to trigger almost-immediate skin tightening at the deepest dermal level. This tightening allows patients to show off the results of their Kybella injections: a jawline that’s free from a double chin!

Take the Next Step

Want to learn more about our non-surgical solutions for double chin reduction? Schedule your consultation at Boca Raton Plastic Surgery Center – Dr. Cristina Keusch today! (561) 725-9874.

Boca Raton Plastic Surgery Center – Dr. Cristina Keusch serves the greater Boca Raton, FL area.