Women on beach in bikini after primary breast augmentation

Who are the best candidates for primary breast augmentation? Anyone who is unhappy with or self-conscious about the size or shape of their breasts may benefit from breast augmentation. It’s the only effective way to enlarge the size of the breasts. Breast augmentations are highly personalized. A woman can work closely with her surgeon to select the best size implant based on her body type, condition of the breast tissue, personal preferences, and various lifestyle considerations. The results should be a natural and balanced look for her body.

There are several factors that determine best candidates for a breast augmentation procedure.

Good Physical Health

Candidates should have no serious illness or active infections. Certain serious medical issues can mean a person is not a good candidate for surgery. Any surgery comes with the potential risk of complications. High blood pressure, a history of bleeding disorders, and obesity can increase the risk. Many surgeons recommend being close to your ideal body weight with a BMI of less than 30 before having surgery.

Minimum of 18 Years Old

The Food and Drug Administration requires patients to be at least 18 years old to receive saline breast implants. The minimum age for silicone implants is 22 years old.


Many surgeons prefer patients to be non-smokers. Smoking increases the risk of complications while under anesthesia. Smoking reduces blood flow, compromises heart function, and raises the risk of developing blood clots. Wounds typically take longer to heal and may become infected. A patient’s desire for surgery may be a good incentive to kick the habit.

Have Realistic Expectations

Women resting on couch

Breast augmentation permanently changes a person’s appearance. Their expectations and desired outcomes should be realistic. The patient should be mentally prepared for a six week recovery period without strenuous exercise or heavy lifting. They may need to have extra help lined up during their recovery. Breast augmentation should be undertaken because the patient wants it for herself, not because someone else wants it for her.

Choose the Right Surgeon

Someone considering breast augmentation should have a consultation with the surgeon. This is the time to discuss the procedure, anesthesia, your medical history, and the options available to you. All of your questions should be answered to your complete satisfaction.

Dr. Cristina Keusch is a Board-certified plastic surgeon who has been practicing at Boca Raton Plastic Surgery Center since 1990. She is one of Boca Raton’s most experienced and respected plastic surgeons. Dr. Keusch is committed to providing her patients with the care, attention, and results they deserve. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.